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A weekly offering for those wanting to let go and unwind

This is for you if....

  • You are interested in breathwork or tapping but have no prior 

  • want to deepen you connection to self

  • want to experience the magic when breathwork and tapping are combined

  • Are struggling with a problem, emotion or belief that you are wanting to release

  • You love the support and connection offered in a group container

Benefits of Breathwork and Tapping Together

Breathwork and tapping when combined can produce rapid breakthroughs and expansion. As we start our session, you will experience the power of tapping to bring emotion and stagnant energy to the surface. Shift is perspective begin here, and emotion is released. We will then transition into our breathwork, utilizing conscious connected breath and somatic awareness, to fully release any remaining pain, emotion or energy. As we finish up, you will find yourself nourishing and tending to your body and soul deep gratitude and love. 

Whether you are feeling disconnected, or have a certain problem you are working through, this is a great way to shift perspective!

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