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About Jasmynn

My name is Jasmynn and I like to consider myself an investigator or the soul.

Back in 2016, I found myself in one of the darkest rock bottoms I had ever experienced. It took me by surprise and  when I realized how lost I had become I was both confused and  scared. I had absolutely no idea who I was or what I stood for! I was living my life as a victim, blaming anyone and everyone for the predicament I had landed myself in. I found my value and worth in the acceptance of others. I was mad at the world, disconnected, alone and miserable. I knew something needed to change, but had no idea where to start.

Through a long a slow process of self discovery, I began to unpack a very heavy suitcase full of stories, beliefs, emotions and limitations that I carried. With patience and self compassion, the weight slowly began to lessen, loosening the control it held over my life. Some of this weight, I had to own and embrace, while other parts I realized never even belonged to me! As an empath, I carried so much of other peoples pain and burdens, only to take them on as my own.

Today, my relationship with myself and the world around me has changed. I show up everyday taking responsibility for myself, my words and my actions. I tend to myself in love, and gratitude. I find pleasure in the little things, and forgive with ease. I feel my pain to process it, and I have discovered who I am at my core.

I am a healer, a mirror, a guide and a teacher of love and compassion. I teach others to shed their past, reprogram societal beliefs and unconscious programming. I guide them to love themselves for who they are, claiming they’re worth and power, without the fear of the judgements of others. I see the beauty in others when they cannot see it themselves, and hold space for a beautiful evolution to happen. Hand in hand, I believe we can dream a new reality, a reality where we are all able to embody our true inner essence!


My Credentials

  • I hold the international qualification of ACCREDITED AND CERTIFIED EFT PRACTITIONER

  • I have completed “TRAUMA INFORMED” training

  • I'm fully accredited with EFTi International, the leading worldwide EFT Professional Association

  • I'm referred clients by other clients, counsellors, therapists, and healers

  • I am a certified BBTRS facilitator

  • I have completed trauma release for women training with Tao of Gratitude

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